Issue Position: A Competent Foreign Policy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Foreign Affairs

In the annals of military or diplomatic history, the concept of "leading from behind" was non-existent…until the Obama Administration entered the war in Libya. And, it has led us from failure to failure.

The Russians snookered us in Syria where the civil war continues, giving Al Qaeda a major base of operations. The Iraqis rejected us after freeing them from a tyrant, and now that country is falling within grip of Al Qaeda. Libya is in turmoil. Jordan is being threatened by Al Qaeda. Our government gave Iran, the world's largest sponsor of terror, some $8 billion to "play nice." Yet, the centrifuges still spin, as they inch closer and closer to a building nuclear weaponry. In Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai has essentially told us to take a hike, and is now negotiating with the Taliban. And, our government has turned its back on Israel, our only friend in the Middle East, with whom we have a treaty and a moral obligation to defend.

Three things stand out in all of this. First, leading from behind translates to ineptness and weakness. President Kennedy once said, "We should never fear to negotiate, and never negotiate out of fear." Obviously, this White House never got that memo.

Second, the amateurish handling of foreign policy by the White House and the State Department denigrates the valor, sacrifice, wounds and loss of life by our brave military in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Middle East. We have lost brave men and women. We have lost treasure. We have lost our honor in the eyes of many.

Third, because of the ferment in this critical area of the globe, Al Qaeda is on the rise and with it a major threat to our national security is escalating.

Yet, as on all of the major issues facing us, Congressman Keating, a member of the Homeland Security Committee says nothing. His taciturn tongue speaks volumes.

If you send me to Washington, the doctrine of leading from behind will be left behind.
